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Academic Activities-2

The International Workshop on Radionuclide Partitioning And Separations Was Successfully Held at Tsinghua University

The “International Workshop on Radionuclide Partitioning and Separations” was held on Sept. 17, 2011 in Smith Hall, Chemistry Department, Tsinghua University. The workshop was organized by Prof. Jun Li (Tsinghua University), Dr. Lin-Feng Rao (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory) and Prof. Sue Clark (Washington State University). The scope of the workshop covered basic studies of the chemistry of the actinides and other radionuclides with a focus on coordination chemistry and structure, thermodynamics, and kinetics. This basic chemistry is part of the fundamental knowledge needed by engineers to improve small and large scale separations for applications ranging from radioanalytical methods in nuclear forensics and environmental analysis to fuel cycle chemistry. Topics of discussion included coordination and complexation chemistry of the minor actinides and other radionuclides, basic chemistry of ion exchange and ionic liquid systems, considerations of basic radiation chemistry and radiolysis, and computational approaches to address questions in radionuclide coordination chemistry.

Copyright © TCCL-Tsinghua Univ. 2012